Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Clear Scalp Hair and Beauty Therapy seven day challenge

Okay so I got the Clear Scalp Hair and Beauty Therapy seven day challenge in the mail. And im going to be recording my thoughts and pictures on the product. Above pictures include my before image of my hair (please forgive the just waken up look with no makeup..im looking kind of rough lol) and the shot of the seven packages of shampoo/conditioner. My first reaction was a pleasant one. I like the consistency and smell of the shampoo. It was actually much like a conditioner in thickness it was a nice light pink color with a bit of shimmer. It bubbled up well and coated my whole head of hair. The conditioner was nice but I have ALOT of hair and im not sure one tiny small package would do. I may have to go purchase a bottle of the conditioner if i'm going to give this product a fair review. I'll get back with you tomorrow with some more thoughts!!

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